April 13, 2011

Snooki goes on the RidicuList

I'm sure everyone has heard of or seen the T.V show "Jersey Shore" which is aired on MTV. The more that this show continues, the more these random kids become wealthier and more famous- but for what?

Apparently they just finished negotiations for their upcoming season in Italy, and they're reportedly getting paid $100,000 per episode.....like, what?!

My problem especially lies with Snooki. I mean, yea she's entertaining to watch, but the things she says and does are so stupid. I think I actually lose a few brain cells watching her on T.V. It's just annoying to see people who contribute to society in no way shape-or-form, yet get paid more than doctors do. Nice.

Anderson Cooper actually added Snooki to his Ridicu-list, and I couldn't have said it any better! Watch below:

Do you agree???



  1. I am guilty of watching this show! Soo addictign.....

  2. oh HELLS ya i agree.. i remember reading this on perez and was like "UMMMMMMMMMMMMM"... ugh so annoying and not fair :(

  3. omg i kno hey! It drives me nuts!! Here I am working my ass off at school- and theres snooki who has sex and gets drunk for a living...!

  4. or u could say she's incredibly smart?

  5. I wouldn't say smart- she just got lucky

  6. BOOOOOOOO to Jersey Shore! At least I can say I dont watch it...meanwhile you dooooo :P If you dont want her to make money then everyone should just stop watching...

  7. haha u barely watch any tv period! And I agree, lets all stop watching- and I stopped a while ago actually :D lol
