April 28, 2011

Room Design

On May 13th my family and I are moving into a new home. With every new bedroom that I get, I like to try new designs. My first room was yellow, my second room was a mix of purple and yellow, my third room was a bright coral pink, and this room will be...?

I'm not completely sure, but I copied my last room from Ikea. I saw another bedroom in their Ikea catalogue and I fell in love with it! I think this will be the basis of my new room :)

The room on the left is supposed to be a night time shot of the room, I think at least. Either way I love the design aaand it incorporates the colour pink! Doesn't it have such a comfy feel?


April 27, 2011


Anyone who knows me knows I’m obsessed with Jessica Simpson. Not so much anymore though, for some reason she doesn’t look like her old self. I was more obsessed with her in her “Newlyweds” days when she was married to Nick Lachey. She was young and in tiptop shape- she looked beautiful!
Anywho, I just saw some recent photos of her at a Hollywood event and she looked great! I believe she’s beginning to work out again for her wedding- but whatever she’s doing its working! She looks like her old self in these pictures:

Jessica Simpson Hot Hollywood Jessica Simpson Hot Hollywood        Jessica Simpson Hot Hollywood        Jessica Simpson Hot Hollywood

I just thought I’d share this news :D


April 13, 2011

Snooki goes on the RidicuList

I'm sure everyone has heard of or seen the T.V show "Jersey Shore" which is aired on MTV. The more that this show continues, the more these random kids become wealthier and more famous- but for what?

Apparently they just finished negotiations for their upcoming season in Italy, and they're reportedly getting paid $100,000 per episode.....like, what?!

My problem especially lies with Snooki. I mean, yea she's entertaining to watch, but the things she says and does are so stupid. I think I actually lose a few brain cells watching her on T.V. It's just annoying to see people who contribute to society in no way shape-or-form, yet get paid more than doctors do. Nice.

Anderson Cooper actually added Snooki to his Ridicu-list, and I couldn't have said it any better! Watch below:

Do you agree???


I'm officially cool :p

I just realized that I've hit a small-scale milestone in the blogging world- 1000 viewer hits!

It's nice to know that someone other than my boyfriend and best friends read my blog posts haha.

I also opened up my comment link to each post- so comment away!


April 7, 2011


"Getting divorced just because you don't love a man is almost as silly as getting married just because you do"
-Zsa Zsa Gabor

Good point.


April 6, 2011

Till the World Ends Video!

So as you can already tell, I like to post things about Britney Spears...BUT this post is particularly important because her single "Till the World Ends" just came out with the video!

I absolutely love love love it! It reminds me of "Slave" for some reason, but the theme, her clothing, the dancers are all fabulous- check it out!

Bravo Britney!


April 4, 2011

Sushi <( ' - ' )>

Over the weekend, Jason and I decided to make some home made sushi! I'm glad that Jason likes a variety of food, and seafood for that matter, because I looove it! We went to the store and bought all the utensils, and we used this helpful website to find great sushi recipes: http://www.makemysushi.com/

Prepping the food took along time, and making the sushi rice was kind of tedious, but it was well worth it! We had also bought some tempura so we could deep fry some shrimp..

The slightly difficult part was rolling the sushi. You really had to tighten the roll or else it would be loose and fall apart. I think I did a much better job than Jason :D
Left: Jason's sushi                Right: MY sushi
We started prepping the food at about 5 oclock, and we were actually able to sit down and eat by 9- definitely took a bit longer than we anticipated, but nonetheless it was worth it!!

mmmm sushi time! Nom Nom Nom!
