February 5, 2012

Last Chance Half Marathon!

Ok so I guess this post is a little over due considering I ran my half marathon in November..but it's still worth talking about!

In the summer I was looking to do a run that would challenge me. I figured a half marathon is not too short, but long enough to run. I wanted to do the Harvest Half Marathon in September but it sold out in a couple of days. I figured I wouldn't be able to run any half marathons until the spring..but then I saw an ad for the Last Chance Half that would take place in November. I signed up right away.

I trained the best I could. It was a bit of a short notice but I figured I would be ok. On the day of the race I woke up and drank a lot of water, had some toast and ate a banana. I went to Eau Claire market with my friend Stephanie, who was also running the race with me. They told us that there was an early start time for people who might be a bit slower, so we figured we would do that, considering we've never ran a half before.

There was only 30ish people who decided to start early, so there was lots of room to run. The timer went off and away we went! I felt nervous to begin with, but once I started running it felt like just another ordinary day of running. I kept a good pace for the first 10 km's, I would say I ran faster than I normally do, only because my adrenaline was kicking in. At about the 14km mark I started to slow down, and for the first time I started to walk. I also got a killer cramp in my calf as well, thankfully it slowly went away after I continued to run. Once I started to walk, I found myself stopping to walk more and more. I only had 6km left to run but it seemed like forever. I tried to tell myself I run 6km all the time..it was nothing! But my legs were exhausted. I walked/ ran the rest of the way until I saw a crowd of people at the finish line. Of course I ran as fast as I could! When I crossed, the timer said 1:50 but then I had to take into account the 30 min head start I had..so my actual time was 2:20- not bad for my first half marathon!

Needless to say it was an amazing experience. I'm looking forward to running the Scotia Bank Half Marathon in May!


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