July 25, 2011

A long awaited post!

So as you can see, it's been a while since I have posted anything new- since May to be exact! Things have been really hectic, and plus it's summer so I'd rather be outside enjoying the weather while it lasts!

Back in June I finished my last course that I needed to graduate, so I'm officially finished school :) well for now..
Once that was out of the way I decided that I wanted to get a job in the field. Having psychology experience would look great on my CV when I apply to grad school. I ended up getting a job doing Cognitive Therapy at a Neurorehab Centre. It's definitely different than what I'm used too, and there's a lot to learn- but I think it will give me the knowledge to advance my career.

Working alone has kept me pretty busy, and I also started a soccer team which has been a blast!
That's basically what I've been doing for the past 2 months lol- and I promise to update my blog more!

To end things off, here's a spiffy grad photo of me :D
