October 30, 2011

iPhone 4s !!!

For a few months now I've been looking for a new phone to purchase. My contract had been up for several months and I was using a pink blackberry 8530. I've had a blackberry for a few years but SO many people have switched over to the iPhone- I figured I'd take a look into it.

After waiting for the new iPhone 4s to come out, I decided to switch over...and I'm so happy I did! I bought it primarily for it's speed and camera, which are both impressive, but the phone itself is so handy and easy to use!

I decided to buy the white one, and of course a pink case ;) but if anyone is considering getting a new phone I would highly recommend an iPhone!


October 5, 2011

Kate Gosselin goes on the Ridiculist

LOL this video is too funny! Watch as Kate goes off over some pizza....

A bit much don't you think!?


October 3, 2011

New Music!

I'm sure many of you have heard of Florence and The Machine- and if you haven't- you've probably heard their smash hit Dog Days Are Over. They just came out with a new single which I absolutely love- Shake It Out. The song is a slower melody, but the chorus has a kick to it. Watch the video below!

What do you guys think??


October 2, 2011

Hiking Ha Ling Peak

So last weekend a friend and I headed up to the mountains to go for a hike. We ended doing Ha Ling Peak which is in Canmore. For anyone that's a beginner at hiking but wants an awesome view, this is a great start!

Anyways, we were about 3/4 of the way up when it started to rain and became very windy- so we decided to head back down. When were on the way down, the rain cleared up and was sunny soo we were pretty bummed we didnt make it to the top!

This weekend we decided to give it another go. When we got there it was cold and raining but once we got into the forrest it wasn't so bad. Once we were closer to the top and out of the trees it became much more rainy, and because we were much higher, it was a lot colder and windy! We still decided to trek on though. It was miserable out, we were soaking wet and freezing, but we still made it to the top! This is my 3rd time up Ha Ling but this hike was the most interesting by far!

 To the left is Ha Ling- and on a nice day! I'm on the right- and it doesn't look like it, but my jacket was soaked and my hair was completely wet, and it was hailing when the picture was taken lol!



We were perfectly happy before we decided to live happily ever after
-Carrie Bradshaw


September 5, 2011

Barbie and Ken's wedding photos!

This morning I was searching for some pictures on the net and stumbled across these beautiful photos of Barbie and Ken's wedding! These pictures are so well done and life-like, they could definitely pass for real pictures. There were quite a few pictures taken so I added just a few that I loved below!

Aren't they so well done!? Love it.


August 29, 2011

The reality of things

Do you ever find yourself in this situation? Ok well maybe he's not play video games, but doing something equally time consuming? It's so true, yet so annoying.


August 28, 2011

I have an addiction...

This summer has by far been the worst for my addiction- I found myself craving it everyday! The addiction? Peas.

haha soo you're probably thinking it's really weird that I'm addicted to peas, but I am!! When I was younger living in Ontario, the peas were amazing. Since the weather is nicer out east, peas were always in abundance. When I came to Calgary I noticed that it was almost impossible to find them- how devastating.

This summer I noticed that for the first time in 11 years, peas were being sold at Coop...hazaa! Also, I found a u-pick farm out in Cochrane that also sold peas :)

Overall I have spent around $300.00 this summer on peas. Isn't that crazy!? 300 bucks on  one vegetable item lol. But to be honest, money isn't an issue when it comes to my delicious green pods of delight. To the right is probably 1/4 of what I have actually eaten......

But it's a good addiction to have right??


August 23, 2011

All around the world...

I think it's really cool to see how many people from around the world actually look at my blog. Obviously majority of my viewers are Canadian, and second would be the US- so North America in general.
That's one of the reasons why blogspot is so cool, because on my personal profile, it shows me where in the world people have looked at my blog- cool huh?

Anyways, here's the list of countries which have taken a gander at my site:

Canada, United States, Malaysia, Greece, Germany, Russia, Australia, Chile, United Kingdom, Peru, South Korea, Mexico, Argentina, Lebanon, Guatemala, Spain, Brunei, Sweden, Philippines, Serbia, Italy, Thailand, India, Indonesia, China, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand and Poland

New places are always being added to the list..but it's still interesting to see all the different countries of the world looking at my wee little blog :)


August 15, 2011


"Lisa, if you don't like your job you don't strike. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way."
-Homer Simpson



August 10, 2011

New Music!

Does anyone remember Cher Lloyd from Xfactor?? Anyways, she didn't end up winning on the show but she has been signed to a record label. Cher just recently came out with her new single Swagger Jagger and has also made a video. I noticed a lot of people on youtube were hating on her song- the lyrics are obviously not the best either.

I must say though, I cannot get this song out of my head! It's kind of grown on me and the beat is pretty catchy. Watch her video and listen to the song below!


July 25, 2011

A long awaited post!

So as you can see, it's been a while since I have posted anything new- since May to be exact! Things have been really hectic, and plus it's summer so I'd rather be outside enjoying the weather while it lasts!

Back in June I finished my last course that I needed to graduate, so I'm officially finished school :) well for now..
Once that was out of the way I decided that I wanted to get a job in the field. Having psychology experience would look great on my CV when I apply to grad school. I ended up getting a job doing Cognitive Therapy at a Neurorehab Centre. It's definitely different than what I'm used too, and there's a lot to learn- but I think it will give me the knowledge to advance my career.

Working alone has kept me pretty busy, and I also started a soccer team which has been a blast!
That's basically what I've been doing for the past 2 months lol- and I promise to update my blog more!

To end things off, here's a spiffy grad photo of me :D


May 21, 2011

The world is ending....Today.

I know I haven't posted anything for a while. I’ve been quite busy with things! But I figured I should probably post something before the world ends today.

I suppose this theory has been purposed by numerological methods- which dictates that judgement day will occur on May 21st, 2011. This conclusion has been created by two ideas:

(1) The first proof is based on Genesis 7:4, when God said to Noah: "Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made." When God referred to seven days, he meant both seven days and seven thousand years, because "one day is with the Lord as a thousand, and a thousand years as one day." The flood occurred in 4990 BC. Seven thousand years later is 2011.

(2) The second proof looks at the significance of the the number of days between the Crucifixion and May 21, 2011. There are 722,500 days between these dates. 7222,500 is a significant number because it is composed of the significant numbers 5x10x17x5x10x17. Five signifies redemption; ten signifies completion; and 17 signifies heaven. The numbers represent the day of redemption (5) and the end of the Christian era (10) and the ascent to heaven (17)-- and these factors are doubled for added significance.

O.K so here are my thoughts. Nothing will happen! lol. If you look at the history of judgment day dates, nothing of significance has ever occurred. So I'm pretty sure we will all live another day!



May 9, 2011

New Lady Gaga!

It's been a while since I showcased any new music-until now. Lady Gaga just released a new song off her upcoming album, it's called The Edge of Glory and it's fabulous! The song itself seems to incorporate a mixture of different sounds, which gives the track a unique edge. Lady Gaga has never failed to impress me and she definitely impressed me with her new track. Listen below, enjoy, and let me know what you think!


May 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Pixie!

Today is my dearest dog's birthday- pixie poo! I believe she is 2 years old today or somewhere around this time. If anyone is ever considering getting a low key dog, a Chihuahua is perfect! They are probably the most lovable dog, and they need constant affection. It's literally like having a baby. The only downside is that she's a pretty yappy dog, so be prepared for some barking!

But yea, she's our little baby. So happy birthday poopoo's :)

Doesn't she look like she's smiling in the second picture?? aww.


May 4, 2011

The angels have landed

I'm so excited to announce that a new Victoria's Secret will be opening up at Chinook mall tomorrow! I know people reading this might not care, since most places have a VS store- but not here in Calgary (well now we do..lol).

I love their products, especially the PINK line- so cute! Normally I would buy VS products off of ebay, which was normally from the states, but I'm happy/excited that tomoorrow I'll be able to shop there :)

Anyways I thought I'd share my excitement with you, I'll let you know what I get ;)


May 3, 2011


"I dont wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone."
-Javan (Steven Javan Jones)

Don't we all?


April 28, 2011

Room Design

On May 13th my family and I are moving into a new home. With every new bedroom that I get, I like to try new designs. My first room was yellow, my second room was a mix of purple and yellow, my third room was a bright coral pink, and this room will be...?

I'm not completely sure, but I copied my last room from Ikea. I saw another bedroom in their Ikea catalogue and I fell in love with it! I think this will be the basis of my new room :)

The room on the left is supposed to be a night time shot of the room, I think at least. Either way I love the design aaand it incorporates the colour pink! Doesn't it have such a comfy feel?


April 27, 2011


Anyone who knows me knows I’m obsessed with Jessica Simpson. Not so much anymore though, for some reason she doesn’t look like her old self. I was more obsessed with her in her “Newlyweds” days when she was married to Nick Lachey. She was young and in tiptop shape- she looked beautiful!
Anywho, I just saw some recent photos of her at a Hollywood event and she looked great! I believe she’s beginning to work out again for her wedding- but whatever she’s doing its working! She looks like her old self in these pictures:

Jessica Simpson Hot Hollywood Jessica Simpson Hot Hollywood        Jessica Simpson Hot Hollywood        Jessica Simpson Hot Hollywood

I just thought I’d share this news :D


April 13, 2011

Snooki goes on the RidicuList

I'm sure everyone has heard of or seen the T.V show "Jersey Shore" which is aired on MTV. The more that this show continues, the more these random kids become wealthier and more famous- but for what?

Apparently they just finished negotiations for their upcoming season in Italy, and they're reportedly getting paid $100,000 per episode.....like, what?!

My problem especially lies with Snooki. I mean, yea she's entertaining to watch, but the things she says and does are so stupid. I think I actually lose a few brain cells watching her on T.V. It's just annoying to see people who contribute to society in no way shape-or-form, yet get paid more than doctors do. Nice.

Anderson Cooper actually added Snooki to his Ridicu-list, and I couldn't have said it any better! Watch below:

Do you agree???


I'm officially cool :p

I just realized that I've hit a small-scale milestone in the blogging world- 1000 viewer hits!

It's nice to know that someone other than my boyfriend and best friends read my blog posts haha.

I also opened up my comment link to each post- so comment away!


April 7, 2011


"Getting divorced just because you don't love a man is almost as silly as getting married just because you do"
-Zsa Zsa Gabor

Good point.


April 6, 2011

Till the World Ends Video!

So as you can already tell, I like to post things about Britney Spears...BUT this post is particularly important because her single "Till the World Ends" just came out with the video!

I absolutely love love love it! It reminds me of "Slave" for some reason, but the theme, her clothing, the dancers are all fabulous- check it out!

Bravo Britney!


April 4, 2011

Sushi <( ' - ' )>

Over the weekend, Jason and I decided to make some home made sushi! I'm glad that Jason likes a variety of food, and seafood for that matter, because I looove it! We went to the store and bought all the utensils, and we used this helpful website to find great sushi recipes: http://www.makemysushi.com/

Prepping the food took along time, and making the sushi rice was kind of tedious, but it was well worth it! We had also bought some tempura so we could deep fry some shrimp..

The slightly difficult part was rolling the sushi. You really had to tighten the roll or else it would be loose and fall apart. I think I did a much better job than Jason :D
Left: Jason's sushi                Right: MY sushi
We started prepping the food at about 5 oclock, and we were actually able to sit down and eat by 9- definitely took a bit longer than we anticipated, but nonetheless it was worth it!!

mmmm sushi time! Nom Nom Nom!


March 30, 2011

More Brit!

So Britney Spears new album Femme Fatale just dropped yesterday, and I must say- I want it!!

I've hears a few snippets here and there of her new songs, and they all sound really good. She definitely went with with a more upbeat club sound for this album....me likey :D

Here's another song called "I Wanna Go" from her new CD (I also really like this song)


March 27, 2011

Gang Fight!

So I'm sure everyone has heard Rebecca Black's YouTube hit "Friday".  I still don't understand why this song is getting so publicized, considering the lyrics are absolutely atrocious, but maybe that’s why people are listening to it...

Anyways, I heard this remake of the song which is HILARious, it's called "Gang Fight". They kept Rebecca's video and remade a track to follow her lip movements- it’s quite ingenuous actually!

Follow the link below to hear the funny track!

"I'm grabbin' a routine vaccination with chicken and sweet carp on the side".....haha!


March 24, 2011


 "Can you make a mistake and miss your fate?"
-Carrie Bradshaw

hm..somethimg to ponder..


March 17, 2011

New J.Lo!!

Welcome back to the block Jenny! It's  been a super long time since J.Lo has come out with any new music. She came out with a new single not too long ago, On the floor, it was alright I guess

She just came out with her second single Invading my mind - I personally like this single better. The chorus is pretty good, sounds like a good summer beat!

Listen to her new single by clicking on the link below:




March 13, 2011


One day I was at Jason’s house and out of boredom I suppose, I quickly doodled a picture of him. I thought it was kinda funny- and sorta looked like him too haha. See the resemblance?

Anyways, he decided to draw one of me afterwards- I was pretty horrified to see it! Although I couldn’t stop laughing at it either. When did I start looking like gollum from lord of the rings!?

I just hope that the picture isn’t a real-life reflection of what I look like :/


March 9, 2011

My top 5 fav's

With all the female products that are on the market it can get tricky trying to find exactly what you’re looking for
I myself have gone through numerous amount of hair products, makeup, lotions, perfumes, etc. but over the years I have limited my repetoire to a few must-have’s. Here are my top five:

You’re Bluffing by Benefit:  If I ever have a blemish-or-two I always use “You’re Bluffing” by Benefit. It seriously works wonders! Sometimes putting a beige concealer over a blemish can make it purple, but the Benefit concealer is yellow which actually nutralizes the red blemish.
Erase Paste, Oyster Girl Lipglass, Voluminous, You're Bluffing

Erase Paste by Benefit: I have to admit, im one of those unfortunate souls who is cursed with dark circles under my eyes. For years I tried to find a product that did the job and had no luck. I finally tried “Erase Paste” also by Benefit. It completely covered any darkness and it isnt too heavy. It goes on smooth and doesn’t crease up in your fine lines. It is a bit pricey but it lasts forever- definitely worth it!

Voluminous by Loreal: Another unlucky featuer of mine is my stubby-ass eyelashes. The only way to make them look longer and thicker is to glop 10 layers of mascara on, which doesn’t look the greatest either. A sales clerk told me that “Voluminous” by Loreal is their best seller- so I tried it. Im not sure if it’s the brush or the actual mascara cream, but it absolutely works!

Oyster girl lipglass by MAC: Lipgloss is one of my obsessions. I have a complete variety of colours and brands, but my fav by far is “oyster girl lipglass” by MAC. I find that the amount of colour in the gloss is perfect- especially if you like the look of pale pink lips like I do. It is quite sticky though- not good for a windy day or kissing your bf (Jason hates this gloss for that reason).

Britney Spears perfume: For the last couple of years I've boughten nothing but Britney Spears perfume- her whole collection actually. I cant even tell you how many compliments I have received or have been asked what I was wearing. Britney has several perfumes, and of course I’ve owned them all, BUT she has a few which are better than the rest. Fantasy, Believe, and In Control (a variation of Curious) are by far my favourites!

Believe, Midnight Fantasy, Fantasy, Circus


March 3, 2011

New Britney!

Being the Britney fan that I am, I was quite excited to hear her new single..Till the World Ends
The chorus is super catchy- definitely a good club hit!

If you're interested in hearing the full song, click on the link below!


Maybe the old Britney is back!? :D :D :D


February 28, 2011

Welcome to My World

I saw this cartoon on the Internet and I thought it summed up my life pretty well..

 It'll get better....right?
